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Patients Archive

The electronic patient record will allow you to access patient information quickly and easily. A powerful search engine will allow you find patients by any criteria you have created.

General Information

You can store general information about the patient like contact data, phone, city, etc.


You can create and maintain a hierarchy of pathologies. You can then associate a patient with any of the pathologies he has. The search engine allows you to search all patients that suffer from a given pathology, for further data extraction and report generation.


You may create as many questionaires as desired, and in the patient record you will fill in the answers. You can then search patients by the answers given in the questionaires.

Clinic history

In the patient history section you will be able to see all appointments that you've had with a patient, ordered by date, in which you will see what treatments were used, the reason of the appointment, and so on.


Attach any kind of file (for exammple radiographs, invoices, medical forms, tests, etc..) to the patient record. Files can be classified by folders and you can also add comments and notes to files.

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